《香港教育雜誌》第99期  | 好學校網站

香港理工大学:设计学(荣誉)文学士组合课程 (广告设计/环境设计/信息设计/交互设计/室内设计/媒体设计/产品设计/服务创新设计/社会创新设计)

香港理工大学开办的设计学(荣誉)文学士组合课程,是修读4年的全日制学士学位课程,学习范畴含括艺术、设计、表演艺术及创意媒体,此课程不属于院校提供的非政府资助课程,学费约每年 HK$ 44,500,学生毕业后可以获颁资历架构级别5的设计学(荣誉)文学士 (广告设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (环境设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (信息设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (交互设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (交互设计) (副主修: 人工智能及数据分析)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (室内设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (媒体设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (产品设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (产品设计) (副主修: 人工智能及数据分析)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (服务创新设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (社会创新设计)
设计学(荣誉)文学士 (副主修: 创新及创业)资格
。该课程要求水平:于核心科目中取得「332A」或更佳成绩,并于两个选修科目取得 3 级或以上^ 成绩。

课程项目 课程内容
课程名称 设计学(荣誉)文学士组合课程 (广告设计/环境设计/信息设计/交互设计/室内设计/媒体设计/产品设计/服务创新设计/社会创新设计)
BA (Hons) Scheme in Design (Advertising Design / Environmental Design / Information Design / Interaction Design / Interior Design / Media Design / Product Design / Service Design / Social Design)
开设院校 香港理工大学
课程颁授资格 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (广告设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (环境设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (信息设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (交互设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (交互设计) (副主修: 人工智能及数据分析) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (室内设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (媒体设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (产品设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (产品设计) (副主修: 人工智能及数据分析) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (服务创新设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (社会创新设计) 设计学(荣誉)文学士 (副主修: 创新及创业)
学习范畴 艺术、设计、表演艺术及创意媒体
课程资历类别 学士
授课模式(全日制/ 兼读制) 全日制
修读年期 4
学费 每年 HK$ 44,500
最低入学要求 Core Subjects:
(1) Level 3 or above in Chinese Language
(2) Level 3 or above in English Language
(3) Level 2 or above in Mathematics Compulsory Part
(4) “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development

Elective Subjects:
Level 3 or above in
- Any 2 subjects
Level 3 or above in
- Any 1 subject
- Mathematics Extended Module 1 or 2

For the general entrance requirements of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, please refer to https://www.jupas.edu.hk/en/programmes-offered/polyu/.
备注 1. First year intake: 83

2. Interview: Yes (on a selective basis)

3. There is no compulsory subject requirement. Preferred subjects with the highest weighting for admission score calculation include:
- Chinese Language
- English Language
- Mathematics
- Design and Applied Technology
- Information and Communication Technology
- Visual Arts
- Applied Learning Subjects:
- Commercial Comic Art
- Computer Game and Animation Design
- Creative Advertising
- Film and Transmedia
- Film and Video / Film and Video Studies
- Image Design
- Innovative Product Design
- Interior and Exhibition Design / Interior Design
- Internet of Everything Application
- Marketing and Online Promotion
- Mobile and Online Apps Development
- Multimedia Entertainment Studies
- New Media Communication Strategies
- Public Relations and Advertising
- TV Infotainment Production / Infotainment Production

4. Relevant Applied Learning subjects that can be considered for meeting the University entrance requirement and admission score calculation are:
- Applied Business Research
- Applied Psychology
- Building Technology
- Commercial Comic Art
- Computer Game and Animation Design
- Creative Advertising
- Data Application for Business / Business Data Analysis
- Display and Jewellery Design
- Electronic Product Design in Action
- Entrepreneurship for SME
- Environmental Engineering
- Fashion Image Design / Fashion and Image Design
- Film and Transmedia
- Film and Video / Film and Video Studies
- Image Design
- Innovative Product Design
- Interior and Exhibition Design / Interior Design
- Internet of Everything Application
- Jewellery and Accessories Design
- Jewellery Arts and Design
- Magazine Editing and Production
- Marketing and Online Promotion
- Marketing in Global Trade
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Mobile and Online Apps Development
- Multimedia Entertainment Studies
- New Media Communication Strategies
- Practical Psychology
- Public Relations and Advertising
- Public Relations and Communication
- Radio Host and Programme Production
- TV Infotainment Production / Infotainment Production

最后更新日期:23 Jan 2025

  • 香港理工大学

    (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PolyU)

