《香港教育雜誌》第98期  | 好學校網站


耀中幼教学院开办的幼儿教育高级文凭课程,是修读2年的全日制高级文凭学位课程,学习范畴含括教育、师资训练及运动科学,此课程属于院校提供的非政府资助课程,学费约首年:港币 83,400
课程合计:港币 169,300

[1] 在香港中学文凭考试其中五科(包括中国语文和英国语文)取得第二级或以上成绩;如该五科的其中一科为「公民与社会发展科」,则最低入学要求为在该科取得「达标」成绩,以及在其他四个香港中学文凭考试科目(包括中国语文和英国语文)取得第二级或以上成绩。申请人须通过面试及学院认为适合之其他测试。

[2] 在香港高级程度会考获取一科高级程度科目或两科高补程度科目E级或以上成绩,及在香港中学会考获取五科E级或以上成绩,包括英国语文科及中国语文科。申请人须通过面试及学院认为适合之其他测试。

[3] 取得获确认的基础文凭/毅进文凭/副学士先修课程或相等于资历架构第三级程度的学历。申请人须通过面试及学院认为适合之其他测试。

[4] 同等学历 - 由学院/学校评定。申请人须通过面试及学院认为适合之其他测试。

[5] 成年申请人 - 21岁或以上。申请人须通过面试及学院认为适合之其他测试。。

课程项目 课程内容
课程名称 幼儿教育高级文凭
Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
开设院校 耀中幼教学院
课程颁授资格 幼儿教育高级文凭
学习范畴 教育、师资训练及运动科学
课程资历类别 高级文凭
授课模式(全日制/ 兼读制) 全日制
修读年期 2
学费 首年:港币 83,400 课程合计:港币 169,300
备注 Normal entry requirement:

[1] Level 2 or above in five HKDSE subjects including Chinese Language and English Language; if one of the five HKDSE subjects is Citizenship and Social Development subject, the minimum entrance requirement would become “Attained” for Citizenship and Social Development subject and Level 2 in four other HKDSE subjects including Chinese Language and English Language. Candidates must pass the interview, and other test(s) as the College considers appropriate.

[2] Attained Grade E or above in 1 AL subject or 2 AS-Level subjects in HKALE and 5 subjects at Grade E or above in HKCEE including English Language and Chinese Language.. Candidates must pass the interview, and other test(s) as the College considers appropriate.

[3] Obtained an accredited Foundation Diploma/Diploma Yi Jin/Pre-Associate Degree or equivalent QF Level 3 qualification.. Candidates must pass the interview, and other test(s) as the College considers appropriate.

[4] Equivalent qualifications - Assessed by college / school. Candidates must pass the interview, and other test(s) as the College considers appropriate.

[5] Mature Applicants - Aged 21 or above. Candidates must pass the interview, and other test(s) as the College considers appropriate.

最后更新日期:23 Jan 2024