职业训练局 香港高等教育科技学院:由高科院开办:土木工程(荣誉)工学士
职业训练局 香港高等教育科技学院开办的由高科院开办:土木工程(荣誉)工学士课程,是修读4年的全日制学士学位课程,学习范畴含括建筑、建造及城市规划工程及科技,此课程不属于院校提供的非政府资助课程,学费约每年 HK$ 117,975,学生毕业后可以获颁资历架构级别5的土木工程(荣誉)工学士资格。
课程项目 | 课程内容 |
课程名称 | 由高科院开办:土木工程(荣誉)工学士
Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering |
开设院校 | 职业训练局 香港高等教育科技学院 |
课程颁授资格 | 土木工程(荣誉)工学士 |
学习范畴 | 建筑、建造及城市规划工程及科技 |
课程资历类别 | 学士 |
授课模式(全日制/ 兼读制) | 全日制 |
是/否由院校提供的非政府资助 | 否 |
修读年期 | 4 |
学费 | 每年 HK$ 117,975 |
最低入学要求 | Core Subjects: (1) Level 3 or above in Chinese Language (2) Level 3 or above in English Language (3) Level 2 or above in Mathematics Compulsory Part (4) “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development Elective Subjects: Level 2 or above in - Biology or Chemistry or Physics or Mathematics Extended Module 1 or 2 For the general entrance requirements of Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors, please refer to https://www.jupas.edu.hk/en/programmes-offered/sssdp/. |
备注 | 1. First year intake: 20 (This is the intake quota for 2025/26 cohort) 2. Interview: May require interview and/or test 3. Applicants with previous HKDSE subject result of A040 ‘Liberal Studies’ will be used as the alternative of the core subject requirement of A045 ‘Citizenship and Social Development’. 4. Admission Score Calculation on Citizenship and Social Development “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development will be counted as “Level 2” in the admission score calculation. 5. Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination The best result from a combination of all HKDSE subjects will be considered and there is no penalty or marks deducted for repeated sittings. 6. Alternative Qualification(s) in Chinese Language (for NCS applicants only) If applicants do not have the required HKDSE Chinese Language qualifications, under specific circumstances, the following language results will be considered individually in the application : Alternative Language Qualifications - Minimum Grade HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese - Attained GCSE / IGCSE Chinese Language - Grade C / Grade 4 GCE (O-Level) Chinese Language - Grade C GCE (AS-Level) Chinese Language - Grade C GCE (A-Level) Chinese Language - Grade E 7. Notes : The specific circumstances are : - The applicant has learnt Chinese Language for less than 6 years (including those who have never learned it) while receiving primary and secondary school education ; OR - The applicant has learnt Chinese Language for 6 years or more in schools, but has been taught an adapted and simpler curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in local schools. |
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最后更新日期:23 Jan 2025