《香港教育雜誌》第99期  | 好學校網站


香港科技大学开办的工商管理学士(全球商业管理)课程,是修读4年的全日制学士学位课程,学习范畴含括商业及管理,此课程属于院校提供的非政府资助课程,学费约首年:港币 517,126
课程合计:港币 1,161,876


课程项目 课程内容
课程名称 工商管理学士(全球商业管理)
Bachelor of Business Administration in World Business
开设院校 香港科技大学
课程颁授资格 工商管理学士(全球商业管理)
学习范畴 商业及管理
课程资历类别 学士
授课模式(全日制/ 兼读制) 全日制
修读年期 4
学费 首年:港币 517,126 课程合计:港币 1,161,876 学费或会受外币兑换率影响。 工商管理学士(全球商业管理) 为自资课程,本地生及国际生须缴付同样学费。 第四年学费根据所选院校而定。 以上所述为2023/24学年学费,2024/25学年学费将于稍后公布。 学费按学年检讨及/或随外币兑换率改变。 以上所述学费根据政府于2023年10月所列之外币兑换率计算:1美元=7.76港元;1欧罗=8.19港元。
备注 Normal entry requirement:

[1] HKDSE Level 3 in Chinese and English, and Level 2 in Mathematics and Liberal Studies plus Level 3 in two elective subjects; or Level 3 in one subject and Level 3 in Mathematics Extended Module 1 or 2 SAT I or ACT with writing component scores. Essay scores are required. - High school transcripts from grades 9 to 12
- SAT I or ACT with writing component scores. Essay scores are required
- TOEFL or other English language certificates
- Activities summary
- Personal statement
- Counselor or teacher recommendations
- Online interview

[2] Equivalent qualifications - Assessed by college / school.
‧First-year applicants who did not attend the Hong Kong secondary school system must have attained a U.S. high school diploma or its equivalent
‧Applicants are required to provide high school graduation certificate and transcripts; for prospective graduate, the high school transcripts from grades 9-11.
‧SAT or ACT scores are required
‧TOEFL or other English language certificates
‧Activities summary & Personal statement
‧Counselor or teacher recommendations

最后更新日期:22 Jul 2024