香港大学专业进修学院保良局何鸿燊社区书院开办的医疗及保健产品管理高级文凭课程,是修读2年的全日制高级文凭学位课程,学习范畴含括医科及护理科,此课程属于院校提供的非政府资助课程,学费约首年:港币 22,410
课程合计:港币 44,820
课程项目 | 课程内容 |
课程名称 | 医疗及保健产品管理高级文凭
Higher Diploma in Medical and Health Products Management |
开设院校 | 香港大学专业进修学院保良局何鸿燊社区书院 |
课程颁授资格 | 医疗及保健产品管理高级文凭 |
学习范畴 | 医科及护理科 |
课程资历类别 | 高级文凭 |
授课模式(全日制/ 兼读制) | 全日制 |
是/否由院校提供的非政府资助 | 是 |
修读年期 | 2 |
学费 | 首年:港币 22,410 课程合计:港币 44,820 以上学费为扣除「指定专业/界别课程资助计划」资助后之每年实际应缴学费。此计划只适用于本地学生。非本地生的每年学费为港币62,300元。 首期缴交费用包括第一期学费及保证金。学费每年分两期缴交,而保证金为一次性费用。 |
最低入学要求 | |
备注 | Normal entry requirement: [1] Level 2 or above in five subjects (including Chinese Language and English Language) in HKDSE Examination and. Remarks: Applicants should have taken the HKDSE Biology or Chemistry; or equivalent. Applicants are allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application. The recognition of the ApL subjects is as follows: “Attained with Distinction (II)” is deemed equivalent to Level 4 or above in HKDSE Examination; “Attained with Distinction (I)” is deemed equivalent to Level 3 in HKDSE Examination; and “Attained” is deemed equivalent to Level 2 in HKDSE Examination. [2] 3 passes in the HKCEE PLUS Level 2 / Grade E or above in Chinese Language and English Language or equivalent and HKAL/AS with specific results /subjects - 1AL or 2ASs. Remarks: Applicants should have taken the HKCEE Biology or Chemistry; or equivalent. Applicants are allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application. Successful completion of an ApL subject will be recognised as comparable to a HKCEE subject pass. [3] Satisfactory completion of Pre-associate Degree from other local institution. Applicants should have taken the HKDSE / HKCEE Biology or Chemistry; or equivalent. [4] A recognised post-secondary diploma, or equivalent. Applicants should have taken the HKDSE / HKCEE Biology or Chemistry; or equivalent. [5] Mature Applicants - Aged 21 or above with relevant working experience. Applicants should have taken the HKDSE / HKCEE Biology or Chemistry; or equivalent. [6] Equivalent qualifications - Assessed by college / school. Applicants should have taken the HKDSE / HKCEE Biology or Chemistry; or equivalent. |
相关连结 |
最后更新日期:22 Jul 2024
(HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College, HPSHCC)
香港大学专业进修学院与保良局于2006年合办香港大学专业进修学院保良局何鸿燊社区书院(简称: 港大保良局何鸿燊社区书院),透过互动教学模式,提升学生知识和技能,增强竞争力,为将来升学及就业作好准备。a