《香港教育雜誌》第99期  | 好學校網站


香港都会大学李嘉诚专业进修学院开办的旅游及款待业高级文凭课程,是修读2年的全日制高级文凭学位课程,学习范畴含括酒店、旅游及款待服务服务,此课程不属于院校提供的非政府资助课程,学费约首年:港币 64,900
课程合计:港币 129,800

1. 此课程为「指定专业/界别课程资助计划」之指定课程,扣除资助后,2024/25年度入学的学生第一年的应缴学费为$41,990

课程项目 课程内容
课程名称 旅游及款待业高级文凭
Higher Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Studies
开设院校 香港都会大学李嘉诚专业进修学院
课程颁授资格 旅游及款待业高级文凭
学习范畴 酒店、旅游及款待服务服务
课程资历类别 高级文凭
授课模式(全日制/ 兼读制) 全日制
修读年期 2
学费 首年:港币 64,900 课程合计:港币 129,800 1. 此课程为「指定专业/界别课程资助计划」之指定课程,扣除资助后,2024/25年度入学的学生第一年的应缴学费为$41,990。只有本地学生才符合资格获得此资助。 2. 学生凡持以下任何一项证件入学将要缴付非本地生级别之学费: a. 学生签证/进入许可 b. 在非本地毕业生留港/回港就业安排下的签证 c. 受养人签证/进入许可证(已年满18岁的学生) 获香港特区入境事务处签发受养人签证/进入许可证时已年满18岁的学生,均视为非本地生。 - 非本地生的首期学费为港币$42,425。
备注 Normal entry requirement:

[1] Level 2 or above in five HKDSE subjects including English Language and Chinese Language. (a) Applicant possessing “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development is accepted as level 2 in one HKDSE subject.
(b) Applicants possessing “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)” results in an Applied Learning (ApL) subject are deemed to have attained “Level 2”, “Level 3” and “Level 4” respectively in one HKDSE subject, with a maximum of two ApL subjects can be counted for admission purpose.
(c) For non-Chinese speaking students, LiPACE will continue to accept alternative Chinese qualifications for students who have met the specified conditions:
(1) students who have learned Chinese Language for less than 6 years while receiving primary and secondary education;
(2) students who have learned Chinese Language for 6 years or more in schools, but have been taught an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in local schools.
(d) While Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) [ApL(C)] will be considered as an alternative qualification in Chinese Language (ACL) for the admission of non-Chinese speaking students with “Attained” as the minimum grade required, it will not be regarded as an elective subject for satisfying the admission requirement.
(e) Under the situation where NCS students with ApL(C) do not count the subject as ACL when admission is sought (they use another international qualifications as an ACL or have fulfiled the Chinese Language requirement in the HKDSE), the School will specially accept their ApL(C) as an elective subject for admission to diploma and sub-degree programmes.

Applicants will be invited to an admission interview, if necessary.

[2] Graduate of Diploma of Applied Education/ Diploma Yi Jin/ Yi Jin Diploma. Applicants will be invited to an admission interview, if necessary.

[3] Satisfactory completion of a QF Level 3 Diploma or an equivalent programme, for example, Diploma of Foundation Studies awarded by Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), or by a post-secondary institution in Hong Kong.. Applicants will be invited to an admission interview, if necessary.

[4] Other acceptable equivalent qualifications (including non-local qualifications obtained in or outside HK, or other qualifications/experience deemed to be equivalent).. Applicants will be invited to an admission interview, if necessary.

[5] Mature applicants aged 21 or above, preferably with relevant working experience.. Applicants will be invited to an admission interview, if necessary.

[6] Satisfactory completion of LiPACE’s “Diploma in Foundation Studies”. Applicants will be invited to an admission interview, if necessary.

最后更新日期:22 Jul 2024