《香港教育雜誌》第99期  | 好學校網站


香港教育大学开办的言语病理学及复康荣誉理学士课程,是修读4年的全日制学士学位课程,学习范畴含括医科及护理科,此课程不属于院校提供的非政府资助课程,学费约每年 HK$ 44,500,学生毕业后可以获颁资历架构级别5的言语病理学及复康荣誉理学士资格。该课程要求水平:于核心科目中取得「332A」或更佳成绩,并于两个选修科目取得 2 级或以上^ 成绩。

课程项目 课程内容
课程名称 言语病理学及复康荣誉理学士
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Speech Pathology and Rehabilitation
开设院校 香港教育大学
课程颁授资格 言语病理学及复康荣誉理学士
学习范畴 医科及护理科
课程资历类别 学士
授课模式(全日制/ 兼读制) 全日制
修读年期 4
学费 每年 HK$ 44,500
最低入学要求 Core Subjects:
(1) Level 3 or above in Chinese Language
(2) Level 3 or above in English Language
(3) Level 2 or above in Mathematics Compulsory Part
(4) “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development

Elective Subjects:
Level 2 or above in
- Any 2 subjects

For the general entrance requirements of The Education University of Hong Kong, please refer to https://www.jupas.edu.hk/en/programmes-offered/eduhk/.
备注 1. First year intake: 10

2. Interview: Yes (on a selective basis)

3. Note: Candidates must be able to communicate effectively and fluently in Cantonese and English during the admission interview.

4. Subject weightings may be adopted in the admission score calculation for particular programmes. Please click https://www.eduhk.hk/acadprog/downloads/EdUHK_Entrance%20Requirements%20and%20Admission%20Score%20Calculation.pdf for more information.

最后更新日期:22 Jan 2025