香港科技专上书院开办的商业学(荣誉)文学士课程,是修读3年的全日制学士学位课程,学习范畴含括商业及管理,此课程属于院校提供的非政府资助课程,学费约首年:港币 61,000
课程合计:港币 218,200
学生如符合「为修读香港自资学士学位课程学生提供的免入息审查资助计划(“资助计划”)」的申请资格,可在 2024/25学年获得最高34,390元的资助,学生毕业后可以获颁资历架构级别5的商业学(荣誉)文学士 [University of West London]资格。
课程项目 | 课程内容 |
课程名称 | 商业学(荣誉)文学士
BA (Hons) Business Studies |
开设院校 | 香港科技专上书院 |
课程颁授资格 | 商业学(荣誉)文学士 [University of West London] |
学习范畴 | 商业及管理 |
课程资历类别 | 学士 |
授课模式(全日制/ 兼读制) | 全日制 |
是/否由院校提供的非政府资助 | 是 |
修读年期 | 3 |
学费 | 首年:港币 61,000 课程合计:港币 218,200 学生如符合「为修读香港自资学士学位课程学生提供的免入息审查资助计划(“资助计划”)」的申请资格,可在 2024/25学年获得最高34,390元的资助。就读相关课程的合资格学生,只需支付扣除了资助金额的学费。详情请浏览。 |
最低入学要求 | |
备注 | Normal entry requirement: [1] HKDSE 15 points in five subjects (Level 1 = 1 point and Level 5** = 7 points) with at minimum Level 3 in both English and Mathematics, and three other subjects. 1. An Applied Learning subject (ApL) with “Attained with Distinction” or “Attained with Distinction (I)” is recognized as one level 3 subject. And “Attained with Distinction (II)” is recognized as one level 4 subject. Applicants may use not more than two Applied Learning subjects in each application. 2. Students with Level 2 in any one of the 5 subjects, e.g. Mathematics, will be considered as special entry and offered a place subject to a satisfactory interview for admission and sign off by UWL. [2] Qualifications with equivalence of the above standards [3] Aged 21 or above prior to the commencement of the programme, subject to the prior learning and experience requirements by University of West London |
相关连结 |
最后更新日期:11 Jul 2024
(Hong Kong Institute of Technology, HKIT)
香港科技专上书院(HKIT)前身是College of Info-Tech,在1997年成立。于2003年正式名为香港科技专上书院,是非牟利大专院校,积极开拓学生国际视野,发掘学生多方面潜能。