
The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong - Cornwall School的校徽


The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong - Cornwall School


香港心理卫生会–臻和学校(The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong - Cornwall School)是位于深水埗区的一间严重智障儿童学校特殊学校,学校面积建筑面积达八千多平方米,属于男女校,学生人数学额112名,宿额60名,该校办学宗旨是学校本著「有教无类」的「全人教育」精神,致力为严重弱智儿童提供优质教育、复康治疗、住宿服务及愉快学习环境,让有特殊需要的儿童在智能、体能及社交三方面获得均衡发展,发挥潜能;养成良好品格,提高独立生活能力,得以融入社会。

Our education purpose
Aiming to offer life education in all aspects, we strive to provide good quality education, rehabilitation therapies, and long-term accommodation services to students who have severe physical and learning disabilities. Our school’s name implies “Perfect Harmony Achievement”. To encourage a balance in mental and physical growth, and to enhance self-management skills, so that students will serve the society in the future, we have been constantly building up a harmonious partnership with our student’s parents in our community.




School Motto:
Healthy grow up
Happily learn
Politely treat people
Actively involve in community」


Our education purpose
Aiming to offer life education in all aspects, we strive to provide good quality education, rehabilitation therapies, and long-term accommodation services to students who have severe physical and learning disabilities. Our school’s name implies “Perfect Harmony Achievement”. To encourage a balance in mental and physical growth, and to enhance self-management skills, so that students will serve the society in the future, we have been constantly building up a harmonious partnership with our student’s parents in our community.


在师资方面,香港心理卫生会–臻和学校全校教师总人数为33人,其中拥有基本师资训练资格有33人、特殊教育训练资格有33人、领有学士28人、硕士5人、博士或以上学历 0人。

而在专业人员方面,全校专业人员总数为32人, 当中言语治疗师2.5人、职业治疗师1人、物理治疗师1人、社工1.5人、教育心理学家0人、护士7人、技师0人、职业治疗助理3.5人、实验室技术员0人、物理治疗助理1人, 其他专业宿舍家长14人。





学校设施方面,学校共有三座大楼:学校部楼高五层,宿舍部楼高四层,赛马会综艺馆楼高三层。三座大楼均以无障碍校园为设计蓝本,透过无障碍斜道和升降机贯通。除了十二间标准课室、物理治疗室、职业治疗室、言语治疗室和七间睡房外,还设有疗愈花园、感觉统合室、多感官室、模拟情景区(美味厨房、水果BAR、小卖部)、低视能视力训练室、葵花籽互动学习(辅导)室、多媒体探知馆、感知游乐场、生活技能训练室和加护观察室等等,为学生提供良好的学习及住宿环境。There are three buildings in the school: a five-storey school block, a four-storey dormitory block and a three-storey Jockey Club Auditorium block. All three buildings are based on the barrier-free campus design and are connected by barrier-free ramps and lifts. In addition to twelve standard classrooms, physiotherapy room, occupational therapy room, speech therapy room and seven bedrooms, there is also a healing garden, sensory integration room, multi-sensory room, simulated scenario area (deli kitchen, fruit bar, kiosk), low-vision training room, sunflower seed interactive learning (counselling) room, multi-media exploratory hall, sensory playground, life skills training room and intensive care observation room. We provide a good learning and accommodation environment for our students.


其他收费:收费资料(每月收费)1. 日校学生(膳食$150,活动$60)2. 五天住宿生(膳食及住宿$440,活动$60,空气调节$60)3. 七天住宿生(膳食及住宿$616,活动$60,空气调节$60)4. 校车收费:$380-$500不等,视乎车程Fee Information (Monthly Fee)1. Day students (meals $150, activities $60)2. 5-day residential students (meals and accommodation $440, activities $60, air-conditioning $60)3. 7-day residential students (meals and accommodation $616, activities $60, air-conditioning $60)4. School bus fare: $380-$500, depending on the distance travelled


本校設有三輛校車,服務行走沙田、黃大仙、深水埗、愛民村、紅磡、奧運站、九龍塘、美孚…等部份地區;主要接載學生上、下課、並配合課程需要,提供戶外課堂及活動的接送服務。校車特設有升降台板,以方便需使用輪椅的學生上落校車,提升乘車安全。 There are three school buses serving Sha Tin, Wong Tai Sin, Sham Shui Po, Oi Man Estate, Hung Hom, Olympic Station, Kowloon Tong and Mei Foo, etc. They mainly carry students to and from school and provide transportation services for outdoor classes and activities according to the needs of the curriculum. The school buses are equipped with a lifting platform to facilitate the boarding and alighting of students who need to use wheelchairs, thus enhancing the safety of the buses.


学校名称(英):The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong - Cornwall School
校长:黃敏儀 女士
校监 / 校管会主席:熊思方 醫生

电话:27773081   传真:27846677


本网页「香港心理卫生会–臻和学校」的资料是参考自:教育局网站及各学校之官方网站制作而成,如发现有任何不准确或不妥善地方,请让我们知道 cs@edumedia.hk 尽速作出修正。 最后更新日期: 2025-02-17

您可能还想浏览: 全港特殊学校概览 | 深水埗区特殊学校 | 深水埗区学校开放日资讯 | 深水埗区补习班资讯


收费资料(每月收费)1. 日校学生(膳食$150,活动$60)2. 五天住宿生(膳食及住宿$440,活动$60,空气调节$60)3. 七天住宿生(膳食及住宿$616,活动$60,空气调节$60)4. 校车收费:$380-$500不等,视乎车程Fee Information (Monthly Fee)1. Day students (meals $150, activities $60)2. 5-day residential students (meals and accommodation $440, activities $60, air-conditioning $60)3. 7-day residential students (meals and accommodation $616, activities $60, air-conditioning $60)4. School bus fare: $380-$500, depending on the distance travelled


本校共有三座大楼:学校部楼高五层,宿舍部楼高四层,赛马会综艺馆楼高三层。三座大楼均以无障碍校园为设计蓝本,透过无障碍斜道和升降机贯通。除了十二间标准课室、物理治疗室、职业治疗室、言语治疗室和七间睡房外,还设有疗愈花园、感觉统合室、多感官室、模拟情景区(美味厨房、水果BAR、小卖部)、低视能视力训练室、葵花籽互动学习(辅导)室、多媒体探知馆、感知游乐场、生活技能训练室和加护观察室等等,为学生提供良好的学习及住宿环境。There are three buildings in the school: a five-storey school block, a four-storey dormitory block and a three-storey Jockey Club Auditorium block. All three buildings are based on the barrier-free campus design and are connected by barrier-free ramps and lifts. In addition to twelve standard classrooms, physiotherapy room, occupational therapy room, speech therapy room and seven bedrooms, there is also a healing garden, sensory integration room, multi-sensory room, simulated scenario area (deli kitchen, fruit bar, kiosk), low-vision training room, sunflower seed interactive learning (counselling) room, multi-media exploratory hall, sensory playground, life skills training room and intensive care observation room. We provide a good learning and accommodation environment for our students.


教师专业资历 (人数)


专业人员资料 (人数)



预备班 (班数)


小学 (班数)


中学 (班数)



初小课程课程以中国语文、数学(数前概念)、常识、自理、音乐、体育和视觉艺术七个科目为基础课程,加有德育及公民教育时段及于流程时间安排常规训练部份,并在各科中以渗透课程形式,让学生从小开始建立正面而积极的价值观和态度。高小课程课程科目与基础课程大致相同,亦以此为本,除深化生活流程训练外,亦增加学生沟通表达的机会,协助学生建立个人自我形象;逐步提升学生对环境的认知能力和独立生活能力,为衔接初中课程奠定基础。初中课程以中国语文、数学、常识、科技与生活、音乐、体育和视觉艺术等科目为本,并增设实用技能科,加入建立工作训练元素,让学生体会在成长阶段中的变化,以便他们能顺利转衔至高中课程。高中课程高中课程以三个核心科目(中国语文、数学和公民与社会发展科),四个选修科目(从音乐、体育、视觉艺术和科技与生活科选取两科),以及其他学习经历(德育及公民教育、社会服务、与工作有关经验、艺术发展和体育发展)组成。课程著重扩阔学生的知识基础,以及为学生的全人发展提供充分的学习机会,提升他们独立生活和社交技巧的能力,为离校作好准备,过渡至成人生活。Junior Primary CurriculumThe curriculum is based on the seven subjects of Chinese Language, Mathematics (Pre-Numeracy), General Studies, Self-care, Music, Physical Education and Visual Arts, with Moral and Civic Education sessions and a regular training section during the schedule, and an infused curriculum in each subject to enable students to develop positive values and attitudes from an early age.Senior Primary CurriculumThe curriculum is broadly similar to and based on the foundation programme. In addition to deepening life routine training, the programme also provides students with more opportunities to communicate and express themselves, helping them to develop a personal self-image. It also gradually enhances students' awareness of the environment and their ability to live independently, laying the foundation for their transition to the junior secondary curriculum.Junior Secondary CurriculumThe curriculum is based on the subjects of Chinese Language, Mathematics, General Studies, Technology and Life, Music, Physical Education and Visual Arts, with an additional element of Practical Skills and work-based training to enable students to appreciate the changes in their growing years and to facilitate their transition to the senior secondary curriculum.Senior Secondary CurriculumThe senior secondary curriculum consists of three core subjects (Chinese Language, Mathematics and Civic and Social Development), four elective subjects (two chosen from Music, Physical Education, Visual Arts and Technology and Life) and other learning experiences (Moral and Civic Education, Community Service, Work-Related Experiences, Arts Development and Sports Development). The curriculum focuses on broadening students' knowledge base and providing them with ample learning opportunities for whole-person development, enhancing their independent living and social skills, and preparing them to leave school and transition to adult life.


在校董会领导下推行校本管理,设有多个组别统筹课程改革、课外活动、资讯科技、培训教职员……等多元服务的发展,每年订立目标及检讨改进。另有家长教职员会及校政咨议会等,协调各组的沟通、问责和创新,以营造上下一心,家校合作的团队精神。Implement school-based management under the leadership of the School Council, with various groups to coordinate the development of multiple services such as curriculum reform, extra-curricular activities, information technology, training of staff, etc. Targets are set and reviewed annually for improvement. There is also a parent-staff association and school advisory council to coordinate the communication of the various groups, accountability and innovation, so as to create a team spirit of unity and co-operation between the school and the family.
本校透过学科、跨学科,以及全方位的多元化学习活动,让学生透过不同的学习方式和情境进行学习,增强学习的兴趣和成效。在教学进行期间和结束后进行多元化的学习评估,从中检讨和更新教学策略,提升学生学习的成效。教师、治疗师和宿舍家长根据学生的个别需要,共同为学生订定个别化的长、短期学习目标,有需要时在教学和复康治疗的工作上进行协作,让学生获得全面的照顾。The school offers a wide range of learning activities, including subject-specific, cross-curricular and all-round learning activities, which allow students to learn through different learning styles and contexts and enhance their interest and effectiveness in learning. A variety of learning assessments are conducted during and after teaching to review and update teaching strategies and to enhance the effectiveness of student learning.Teachers, therapists and dormitory parents work together to set individualised long and short-term learning goals for students according to their individual needs and collaborate in teaching and rehabilitation work when necessary so that students can receive holistic care.
本校重视学生的全人发展,设有「训育及辅导组」,以教师、社工、宿舍家长及护士组成,以跨部门及家校舍合作,为学生建构「以学生为本」的学习环境。本组举办班长及值日生计划,建立学生的自信心,培养责任感和承担精神。筹办奖励计划,嘉许学生的付出及成就,以正面积极的方法建立学生的正面价值观及常规,强化良好行为。设有学生个案会议机制,针对影响学生学习的需关注行为,以「正向行为支持」理念作出适时的介入,有需要时亦会邀请家长、治疗师一同商拟及转介教育心理学家跟进,从多角度支援学生的需要。按学生的个别需要,因材施教,本校设有多组辅导教学:视障辅导教学、加强辅导教学、自闭症小组、电子辅助教学、非华语学生支援小组,运用不同的教学策略,提升学生的学习效能。另外,本校为录取的非华语学生提供额外支援,帮助他们学习中文:增聘额外教师/教学助理支援非华语学生学习中文;安排密集中文教学模式(例如按需要抽离学习、小组学习及入班协作等);增购翻译/传译服务以促进与家长的沟通;发展校本中国语文课程;举办文化共融活动。The school places emphasis on the whole-person development of students and has set up a "Discipline and Guidance Unit", comprising teachers, social workers, parents and nurses in the dormitory, to build a "student-centred" learning environment for students through inter-departmental and home-school co-operation. The Unit organises a class leader and a duty roster scheme to build up students' self-confidence and develop a sense of responsibility and commitment. An award scheme is organised to recognise students' commitment and achievements and to build positive values and practices in a positive way to reinforce good behaviour. A student case meeting mechanism is in place to provide timely interventions on behaviours that affect students' learning with the concept of "positive behavioural support", and where necessary, parents and therapists are invited to discuss and refer students to educational psychologists for follow-up.In order to meet the needs of individual students, the school has set up various groups of remedial teaching, including the visually impaired remedial teaching, intensive remedial teaching, autism group, electronic support teaching and non-Chinese speaking ("NCS") student support group, using different teaching strategies to enhance the learning effectiveness of students.Besides, the school provides additional support for NCS students to help them learn Chinese: employing additional teachers/teaching assistants to support NCS students in learning Chinese; arranging intensive Chinese teaching models (e.g. pull-out learning, group learning and class collaboration, etc.); purchasing additional translation/interpretation services to facilitate communication with parents; developing school-based Chinese Language curriculum; and organising cultural integration activities.
为了嘉许学生在学业不同范畴的表现并获取成就感,本校设立多个有关学业及学业以外的校内奖项。同时,学校积极提名学生参与坊间团体及机构提供的奖学金计划,包括上游奖学金、葛亮洪奖金、蚬壳/港岛青商奖学金及伴我高飞奖励计划等,借此向表现杰出的同学给予认同和鼓励。此外,学校亦会为学生提供发挥才能机会,鼓励学生积极参与校内及校外表演及比赛,包括校内小司仪活动、校园音乐大使、联校艺术展、联校运动比赛、故事演绎比赛、亲子绘画比赛、香港特殊奥运会、到友好机构表演等。学生能从比赛及表演中获得宝贵的经验,更能借此提升学生的自信心及尽现他们的潜能。In order to recognise students' performance and achievement in different areas of study, we have established a number of internal awards for both academic and non-academic purposes. At the same time, the school actively nominates students to participate in scholarship schemes offered by community groups and organisations, including the Upward Mobility Scholarship, the Grantham Scholarships Fund, the Shell/Island JC Scholarship for the Disabled and the "We Did It" Award Scheme, in order to give recognition and encouragement to outstanding students.Besides, the school also provides opportunities for students to express their talents by encouraging them to participate in internal and external performances and competitions, including the school junior emcee programme, school music ambassadors, joint school art exhibition, joint school sports competition, storytelling competition, parent-child drawing competition, Special Olympics Hong Kong and performances at friendly organisations. Students gain valuable experience from the competitions and performances, which also help them to enhance their confidence and realise their potential.
本校的课程是按学生的成长历程而设计,课程内容实用而生活化,以螺旋式的设计理念,以一系列的主题将不同的学习阶段的单元连贯起来,按学阶以横向广度扩散及纵向深度提升,协助学生逐步建构知识。此外,本校会按学生的能力、学制身份和需要分班,再配合不同的教学模式进行教学;例如引导式教学、音乐教学和结构化流程教学等;本校亦会按个别学生的需要而安排个别或小组的沟通或行为辅导、视觉教学辅导、自闭症学生辅导、非华语学生语文辅导和电脑学习小组等,为不同需要的学生提供协助,以提升学生的学习成效。Our curriculum is designed according to the students' developmental process. The curriculum is practical and life-like, with a spiral design concept, using a series of themes to link the modules at different learning stages, expanding horizontally and increasing vertically in depth according to the levels of study, helping students to gradually build up their knowledge.Besides, the school will divide students into classes according to their abilities, academic status and needs, and then match them with different teaching models, such as guided teaching, music teaching and structured flow teaching, etc. The school will also arrange individual or group communication or behavioural counselling, visual teaching counselling, autistic students counselling, language counselling for NCS students and computer learning groups according to the needs of individual students so as to provide assistance to students with different needs and enhance their learning effectiveness.
为了让学生获得一般在课堂上难以体会的学习经历,培育学生个人兴趣及良好的品格,提升学习效能并让学生能得到多方面的发展。学校举办多元化活动,例如:定期周三下午的奇趣缤Fun校园-兴趣小组、香薰治疗按摩、中华文化活动及参加「康乐及文化事务署-学校文化日计划」等。学校亦举办大型活动,例如:学校旅行日、多元培育活动周和毕业礼,让学生建立良好的人际关系。Our curriculum is designed according to the students' developmental process. The curriculum is practical and life-like, with a spiral design concept, using a series of themes to link the modules at different learning stages, expanding horizontally and increasing vertically in depth according to the levels of study, helping students to gradually build up their knowledge.Besides, the school will divide students into classes according to their abilities, academic status and needs, and then match them with different teaching models, such as guided teaching, music teaching and structured flow teaching, etc. The school will also arrange individual or group communication or behavioural counselling, visual teaching counselling, autistic students counselling, language counselling for NCS students and computer learning groups according to the needs of individual students so as to provide assistance to students with different needs and enhance their learning effectiveness.
本校推行资讯科技教育的理念是为学生提供多元的学习模式,并配合教学活动作出支援。本校设有电子辅助教学小组,教导学生基础电脑知识。教学软件发展:鉴于坊间的教学软件多未能切合本校学生的需要,故本校一直自行开发教学软件,以切合本校学生的能力和需要。自2015-16学年开始,音乐、数学、语文和视艺等科目亦逐步增加电子学习的元素,运用Smart Apps Creator软件制作电子书,现时电子书的制作已推展到其他科目,老师可因应学习内容选用合适的电子书,以达至更佳的教学成效。本校亦已把部份电子书连结至学校网页,让家长可以选择合适的课题,在家与子女进行延续学习。硬件设施:本校于课室、音乐室、视艺室、图书馆和部份特别室装设电脑、轻触式屏幕和投影器材,并因应需要于部份课室加装智能白板,方便进行各种教学活动。本校亦已添置流动电脑装置,以配合各科在课堂上应用电子书。此外,本校新增设数码频道(臻和快乐频道),透过特别场地的布置、提升影音器材及直播功能,为学生提供更宽广的学习体验。教学软件方面:鉴于坊间的教学软件多未能切合本校学生的需要,故本校多年前已尝试自行开发教学软件,以配合本校学生的能力和需要。现时各科组的软件数量已达四十多套,当中包括一些职业治疗和言语治疗的复康软件。老师和治疗师可因应教学内容和治疗项目选用合适的软件,以达致更佳的学习/训练成效。硬件设施方面:本校于课室、音乐室、视艺室、图书馆和部份特别室等,都已因应需要装设电脑和投影器材,方便进行各种教学活动。此外,本校亦关注有肌能障碍学生的需要,供学生使用的电脑均配置轻触式屏幕和流动电脑架。轻触式屏幕有助肌能较弱的学生容易地操作电脑;流动电脑架则可让电脑随意移动,也可让轻触式屏幕弹性地作上、下、左、右、前、后调教,对于一些坐轮椅的学生尤其适合。Our philosophy of information technology education is to provide students with a variety of learning styles and to support them in their teaching activities. We have an electronic support teaching group to teach students basic computer knowledge.Development of teaching software: As most of the teaching software available in the market cannot meet the needs of our students, we have been developing our own teaching software to meet the abilities and needs of our students. Since the 2015-16 school year, e-learning elements have been gradually added to the subjects of Music, Mathematics, Language and Visual Arts, and e-books have been produced using the Smart Apps Creator software. The production of e-books has now been extended to other subjects so that teachers can choose the appropriate e-books according to the learning content to achieve better teaching effectiveness. The school has also linked some of the e-books to the school website so that parents can select suitable topics for continuous learning with their children at home.Hardware: The school has installed computers, touch screens and projection equipment in classrooms, music rooms, visual arts rooms, library and some special rooms, as well as installed smart whiteboards in some classrooms as needed to facilitate various teaching activities. Mobile computers have also been installed to facilitate the use of e-books in the classroom for all subjects. In addition, a new digital channel (Cornwall Happy Channel) has been added to provide students with a wider learning experience through the installation of special venues, enhanced audio-visual equipment and live streaming functions.
言语治疗师协助学生建立及提高沟通能力,并为学生提供口肌训练,改善口部功能。物理治疗师按学生需要,进行个别或小组训练的发展训练、运动治疗、痛症治疗、手力治疗和胸肺治疗等,并会修改或制造复康具,如脚托、躺卧板等,发展学生大肌肉的潜能,提升独立的活动能力。职业治疗师透过评估,设计特别的活动或辅助器材去训练学生在生活上的技能,加强自我照顾能力,使其能过较独立的生活,提升自理能力。治疗范围包括基本技能训练、日常生活技能训练、多媒体训练,以及辅助复康器材的设计及制作。本校护士提供护理服务,推广健康教育及活动,执行各项传染病防控的措施,并跟卫生署协调举办学生健康服务及学童牙科保健服务、适龄学童疫苗注射、季节性流感疫苗等等。Speech therapists help students to develop and improve their communication skills and provide oral muscle training to improve functions of the mouth.The physiotherapist provides individual or small group training in developmental training, exercise therapy, pain management, manual therapy and chest therapy, and modifies or manufactures rehabilitation equipment, such as footrests and lying boards, to develop the student's large muscle potential and enhance independent mobility.Through assessment, the occupational therapist designs special activities or assistive devices to train students in life skills, enhance self-care and enable them to lead a more independent life and improve their self-care skills. The scope of therapy includes basic skills training, daily living skills training, multi-media training, and the design and production of assistive rehabilitation equipment.Our nurses provide nursing care, promote health education and activities, implement various infectious disease prevention and control measures, and coordinate with the Department of Health to provide student health services and student dental care, vaccinations for school-age children, seasonal influenza vaccinations, etc.
1. 完善校本课程,促进学生整全的学习经历。2. 深化学校「自主自决」的校园气氛。3. 增进「家校伙伴」关系,提升学生的学习效能。4. 发展以「生涯规划」为本的学生培育框架。1. To improve the school-based curriculum to promote the whole learning experience of students.2. To deepen the school's "self-determined" atmosphere.3. To enhance the "home-school partnership" to improve students' learning effectiveness.4. To develop a framework for student development based on "career and life planning".
启发潜能教育(IE)本校于2010年落实推行IE,并于2012年夺得启发潜能学校大奖。本校著重刻意营造不同的处境,为学生提供自主自决的机会,例如举办学生代表会议、开心自选日、我有「SAY」及自选茶点等活动,让学生感受到「被尊重」。本校亦致力营造正面的环境,例如在学校不同的位置展现IE的正面讯息,在课室门外张贴「学生的闪亮点」等。另外本校亦举办不同的活动「开心点唱站」,以宣扬关爱的文化。 环境教育本校的疗愈花园以品种丰富及多样性的植物刺激学生五感,当中植物亦随四季更替,让学生每次游览花园皆有不同体验。学生透过不同形式的园艺活动,有助触发其对自身生活及大自然的好奇,在探索香草、花、果等植物至播种、施肥及维护花园的过程中,可提升学生在种植及护养植物上的认知及感受园艺活动带来的乐趣及成就感。全校参与为原则,更全面地实践减废、回收及重用的环保概念,所收集的回收物会定期运往「绿在长沙湾资源回收中心」。透过制作堆肥方式积极减少厨余,成熟的堆肥会用于学校园圃作肥料使用,以实现可持续发展。Invitational Education (IE)IE was implemented in 2010, and the school won the Inviting School Award in 2012. The school is committed to creating different contexts to provide students with opportunities for self-determination, such as student representative meetings, happy days of choices, "I have the SAY" and refreshments of their choice so that students can feel "respected". The school also strives to create a positive environment by displaying positive messages about IE at different locations in the school and posting "the shining aspects of students" outside classrooms. We also organise various activities such as the "Happy Jukebox" to promote a caring culture. Environmental EducationOur healing garden stimulates students' five senses with its rich variety and diversity of plants, which change with the seasons to give students a different experience every time they visit the garden. Through the different forms of gardening activities, students are able to explore herbs, flowers, fruits and other plants, as well as planting, fertilising and maintaining the garden, thus enhancing their knowledge of planting and caring for the plants and feeling the joy and sense of achievement brought by gardening activities.The whole school participates in the project, and the concept of waste reduction, recycling and reuse is implemented in a more comprehensive manner. The collected recyclables are regularly delivered to the "Green@Cheung Sha Wan" recycling store.Food waste is actively reduced through composting, and the mature compost will be used as fertiliser in the school garden to achieve sustainable development.