牛津英汉词典 解构英语词汇

文: 教育传媒

专家分享 教育传媒 牛津英汉词典 牛津大学出版社



每个人都总有需要帮助的时候,如何礼貌地请求别人帮忙?开场白可以说 Could you possibly help me?(请问您能帮帮我吗?),又或者 I wonder if you could give me a hand?(不知道您能否帮我一个忙?)。可以直接说明需要帮忙的事由,例如 Would you mind opening the door for me?(请你帮我开开门好吗?)、I wonder if you'd mind taking a picture of us?(不知道您是否愿意给我们拍张照片?)、Could I ask you to keep an eye on my luggage for a moment?(请你帮我照看一下行李好吗?)。有礼地提出请求, 对方自然更愿意帮忙。


对未来怀有希望,是我们继续前行的动力。hope for something 指希望某事发生,hope to do something 指希望做到某事,例如 We are hoping for good weather on Sunday(我们盼望着星期天天气好)、She is hoping to win the gold medal(她希望赢得金牌)。形容毫无希望,可以说 be beyond hope(of something),例如 After so many months, the captives were beyond hope of escape and of ever seeing their families again(过了好几个月,俘虏们已无逃跑的希望,也不指望能再见到家人)。如果机会渺茫,但仍抱一线希望,可以说 hope against hope (that…),如 It was a couple of days since the earthquake, but the family were still hoping against hope that their son was safe(地震已经过去好几天了,家人仍然希望他们的儿子能安全地活着)。面对逆境时我们可以 hope for the best(处处往好处想、抱乐观的希望),因为 hope springs eternal(希望永存人间),例如 There is nothing more the doctors can do. All we can do now is hope for the best (医生已无能为力了,我们只能往好处想)、She's sure that he'll come back to her one day. I'm not so sure, but hope springs eternal(她相信总有一天他会回到自己身边。我没她那么有信心,不过人总是充满希望的)。


Passion可以是强烈的爱,也可以是强烈的恨。泛指强烈的情感或激情时,Passion有可数名词的用法, 也有不可数名词的用法,如 He's a man of violent passions (他是个性情暴烈的人)、She argued her case with considerable passion(她相当激动地为自己的主张提出论据)。Passion 也可解作盛怒、激愤,作单数名词用,用于正式语境,例如 She flies into a passion if anyone even mentions his name(哪怕是有人提到他的名字,她也会勃然大怒)。Passion(For Somebody)指强烈的爱,尤指牵涉爱欲的情感,作不可数名词,如 His passion for her made him blind to everything else(他迷恋她,达到了不顾一切的地步)。Passion(For Something)指酷爱、 热衷的爱好或活动等,作可数名词,例如 The english have a passion for gardens(英格兰人酷爱花园)。大写的 The Passion 专指耶稣的受难。

教育傳媒:牛津大學出版社 牛津英漢詞典